excellent vertical deflection
DanzAire® Batten by Robbins is a unique premium BATTEN SPRUNG WOOD DANCE FLOOR design that brings the best features of a traditional sprung floor system together with a proprietary modern design to create a floor with dynamic performance. The DanzAire Batten system features a thick resilient pad encased in a laminated batten for excellent force reduction and deflection. This proprietary sprung floor softens the dancer’s landing increasing both comfort & safety. The desirable & durable solid Maple hardwood surface provides added strength to withstand the daily use from dancers and other performances. The DanzAire Batten system is the perfect choice when studio or facility owners desire a traditional sprung dance floor with an upgraded modern design.
danzaire batten wood
Floor Type: Sprung Floor: Anchored
Floor Surface: Northern Hard Maple Flooring
Floor System Thickness: 3 5/16” (84mm) Note: System can be easily modified to achieve a different height
Applications: Premium Batten Sprung Wood Dance Floor for Contemporary, Multi-functional, Hip Hop, Modern, Swing, Belly Dancing, Classical

Durable Hardwood Performance Surface: solid hardwood surface that is recoatable and refinishable.
Comfort & Safety: thick resilient pad for higher force reduction and deflection to soften landing.
Energy Absorption: anchored resilient laminated battens for maximum vibration damping & uniformity.
Semi-Flexible Sheathing Layer: continuous sheathing layer for load distribution & dimensional stability.
Specially Profiled Hardwood (Wood Surface Only): custom designed to increase flexibility and resilience for dancer safety.
Proprietary Laminated Battens: thick resilient pad encased in a laminated batten for excellent force reduction and deflection.

danzaire batten has been tested per the ANSI E1.26 Standard